Welcome to my enhanced whisky blog under a brand new title: Long Pour Amour. Early in 2024, I embarked on an odyssey. Not the odyssey through the world of whisky; that is already a two-decade long journey on which the travel will be forever going. No, the odyssey I speak of is the journey into the fascinating world of blogging. Blogging about whisky, but also connecting via social media with whisky lovers all over this beautiful blue marble … it has been a blast. And a discovery! While tasting fantastic or at least interesting whisky, I also needed to find out what my tone is. My online whisky identity. With valuable feedback from readers like you, I have refined the mission, which brings us here, to Long Pour Amour.
Who am I, you ask? My name is Tom, a 40+ year old father and husband. I live in the Netherlands between the big rivers of the country, and I was educated as a classical journalist, before the internet age took over. Enjoying whisky and writing about it is certainly not new to me. With a full drawer of samples of old and new classics, I decided to start blogging. Here we are. Welcome if you are new, or welcome back if you already followed Whisky Odyssey.
Long Pour Amour is a whisky blog about Single Malts and ‘Tall Tales’. With the new appearance for the former Whisky Odyssey blog, we make a more direct link to what we are aiming for. A blog on which you can read longer stories about whisky. Always with an introduction, always closing with a tasting note. We have one foot firmly planted in the here and now, but the other stands in the past. Like the famous Striding Man, we will not forget where we came from, while also walking towards the future. In short: we will taste old and new whisky alike, and try to entertain you with the ‘tall tales’ surrounding them.
The ’long pour’ is probably something we have all seen a bartender do while making a drink for you. It looks spectacular, with the spirit travelling from a higher elevation down to the glass. At this blog, we like taking our time too. Pour yourself a glass, sit back and enjoy the tasting notes, stories and whatnots. We ‘love’ a long pour, and this is why the French word for love was added: amour. For me, this is also tribute to a dearly beloved British shorthair Amour (2010-2024), who was around during the creation of this blog and posed for quite some pictures with bottles. He will remain in our hearts forever … and will become a mascot for this whisky blog.
So, what will Long Pour Amour be about? Let me introduce you to a whisky blog to savour!
- Three blogs weekly: We will continue to offer three blogs during the week, mostly consisting of tasting notes of contemporary whisky, written with a touch of sophistication and storytelling allure. These notes are collected in The Tasting Ledger. We maintain the regulars like the monthly Campbeltown Wednesday and trips to other whisky than Scotch.
- The Long Pour Session: Join us every Saturday for the Long Pour Session, which will replace the Something Special Saturday format we cultivated in the last months. A longer read, a deeper dive, with in the centre one legend or multiple whiskies that have something in common. What a way to get in the weekend mood! We would love to hear what you had in the glass while reading. Drop a note on this site or leave a comment on our social media.
- Tom’s Dram Diaries will replace the Whisky Stories we had, but will continue to offer visits to whisky bars and distilleries, insights on collecting or historical features.
With this new identity, we are making Long Pour Amour more than just a blog about whisky – it is a full experience. Savour it with me!